Before getting started, gather all your equipment into one place.
Boil 300g/ml of filtered water.

Set your grinder to the appropriate setting for ‘AeroPress’ and grind 15g of coffee.

Assemble your AeroPress. Position a fresh filter inside the cap and place on top of your brewing vessel. Put assembled brewing equipment onto a set of scales, zero, then rinse the filter paper with 50g/ml of fresh hot water. This will flush any unwanted paper residue and will warm the brewing vessel. Discard the water.

Pour your freshly ground coffee into the Aeropress, place brewing equipment back onto the scales, and zero.

Pour 250g/ml of boiled filtered water into your vessel. Give the coffee a good stir for 3 seconds to make sure it's evenly dispersed within the water.

Remove the brewing equipment from the scales and insert the plunger (do not press down on it yet). Allow the coffee to brew for 2 minutes.

After 2 minutes, slowly press the plunger. It should take about 20 seconds to push all the way down. Stop when you hear a hissing sound.

Give your coffee one final stir and serve immediately.