Set up your espresso machine by filling up the water tank with filtered water and turning on. Place the portafilter on to the scales and zero.

Grind the coffee into your porter filter and check you have 18g of coffee by returning the filled portafilter back to the scales.

Make sure the coffee is gently pressed down so it is flat and even before tamping.

Tamp the coffee using the tamper. Push down ensuring that it is flat and even. This is important to help ensure an even and balanced extract.

Insert the portafilter into the machine and firmly secure.

Place a pre-heated cup underneath the porter filter and start brewing your espresso by selecting the double shot. We are aiming for 36-40g in weight.

Once finished the espresso is ready. Serve immediately and Enjoy!

Don’t forget to remove the portafilter and discard the coffee puck. Run another shot of water through the machine without any coffee and wipe the underside of the shower plate. This will help keep your machine clean and extend its life.