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The Heroine
The Heroine
The Everyday Hero.
An easy going, mellow coffee so reliable you just know it will never let you down. The Heroine is everyone’s best friend. Bursting with notes of rich chocolate and hazelnuts, The Heroine will please every taste, at any time of the day.
Name: The Heroine
Balanced, rounded and easy going. Everyone needs The Heroine in their life. A highly likeable character admired for its versatility and eagerness to please.
Number: 1813
The Heroine is a novel written by Eaton Stannard Barrett and published in 1813. A delightful, light-hearted tale of bravery and desire, a true British classic and one of the inspirations behind this character.
Colour: Classic Orange
An iconic colour, signalling nobility, luxury craftsmanship and the ability to stand the test of time. The Heroine is a true classic and has already established quite a fanbase.

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