Before getting started, gather all your equipment into one place.

Remove the lid and filter cap from the cold brewer. Grind 60g of Artisan’s whole bean filter roast (or use 2 x 30g sachets of Artisan’s ground filter coffee) and place into the cold brewer filter.

Pour 720g/ml of filtered water over the ground coffee.

Stir well to ensure all of the coffee is evenly saturated

Place the filter cap, followed by the lid, back onto the cold brewer and store in the fridge for 24 hours.

Once your coffee has been infused for 10 hours, set up a conical strainer or V60 with a coffee filter paper placed inside it. Rinse the filter paper with filtered water to remove any trace paper flavour and discard the water.

Take the cold brewer from the fridge and unscrew the cap. Strain the cold brew coffee concentrate through the filter paper into a clean jug. Discard the spent coffee.
Your cold brew coffee is now ready to be finished with either water or milk, according to your preference. Your cold brew mix will keep well in the fridge for up to a week.

For those who enjoy coffee without milk we suggest;
60g cold brew mix into a tumbler / whisky glass. Add plenty of ice and top with water to taste.
For those who enjoy coffee with milk;
60g cold brew concentrate in a tumbler / whisky glass. Add plenty of ice and top with milk to taste.