Before getting started, gather all your equipment into one place.
Boil 600g/ml of filtered water.

Assemble your brewing equipment: place a filter paper inside the V60 and place the V60 on top of your brewing vessel. Folding over the seam of the filter will help it to fit snugly into your V60 dripper.

Place your brewing equipment onto the scales and set them to zero. Using 100g/ml of hot water, thoroughly rinse your filter. This will remove any unwanted paper flavour and warm the brewing vessel to minimise heat loss during brewing. Discard the water and put your brewing equipment back on the scales.

Set your grinder to the appropriate setting for ‘V60 Pour Over’ and grind 30g of whole beans. Carefully pour the ground coffee into the V60 cone. Gently shake the cone to level the ground coffee.

Zero the scales again and pour 60g/ml of water just off the boil. Using a teaspoon, carefully stir the coffee to ensure all the coffee is wet, then allow it to sit for 30 seconds (use your timer for accuracy).

Then, slowly pour water from your kettle into your V60 in a clockwise spiral motion working from the outside-in. Stop when the scales reach 250g. Allow this water to filter through for 1 minute.

After 1 minute, repeat the process with a further 250g/ml of water. The scales should now read 500g.

Once all the water has been added, carefully give the V60 dripper a swirl to level the bed of coffee. Allow the coffee to drip through.

After 3 to 4 minutes your coffee will finish dripping. Once dripping has ceased, remove and discard the spent coffee grounds and filter paper.

Stir the jug of coffee and serve immediately.